
Posted: March 20, 2011 in Poems
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Written by James Christopher Sheppard

I am an artist.
I fuck and am fucked.
My sharp brush brings only red
But this is not skin.
This is mine
To draw what I like.
I can scratch. I can tear you to shreds. You are mine to destroy.
And I am yours to embrace.
Fuck me hard. I will fuck you up. Fuck you over. Fuck you in half.
I can replace you
You mean nothing.
I am invincible, re-incarnating.
One day we will be one.

Submitted for Poetry Potluck and One Shot Wednesday

  1. Timoteo says:

    Gritty, and spiritual at the end…f*cked me up good!!!

  2. Jingle says:


    honest and powerful words..
    have fun..


  3. thingy says:

    It’s brutal, but I see hope in there.

  4. Evelyn says:

    “I am an artist.
    I fuck and am fucked.”
    I heart the F-bomb.

  5. Wonderful, as delicate as a sledgehammer.

  6. Ina says:

    Nice and subtle šŸ™‚

  7. I’m glad you all like it! I wrote this quite some time ago, but it’s a poem that has always stood out in my own mind. I wanted to create something strong and bold. I think I succeeded. šŸ˜‰ And welcome to my new site btw! I am also the author of Choice was an Extravagance. šŸ™‚

  8. Katherine says:

    Spoken like a true artist – master of your own desires. Nicely done šŸ™‚

  9. Olivia says:

    Raw! Loved how intensely you said what you had to.. well written.. šŸ™‚
    Hugs xox

  10. Kavita says:

    Whooa!! Brutally honest and f**king powerful!! Too good! šŸ™‚
    We are indeed our own masters.. whether anyone likes it or not!

  11. danroberson says:

    You have the brush and the control and you’ll paint the world your way. Strong words but a definite message.

  12. lunawitch15 says:

    wow! very powerful! šŸ™‚

  13. brian says:

    dang you ratcheted up the intensity with this one…viva lar arte’!

    i think i may have mixed the languages on that but oh well….

  14. Vinay says:

    u said what u had to say and u said it straight up honest! liked the intensity..

    Here’s My Potluck

  15. Damn that’s hot, I ā¤ this!

  16. I can scratch. I can tear you to shreds. You are mine to destroy.

    Whoa! Loud and clear! Well written!

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